¡Puro Socialismo!
The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) is the largest socialist organization in the United States. San Antonio DSA is a local chapter of DSA that operates in San Antonio and the surrounding area. We build and support working class movements for radical social change, while establishing an openly socialist and anti-capitalist presence in San Antonio through a a variety of tactics, from labor organizing to mutual aid to electoralism.

Are you a new member?
Check out our Events page and look for upcoming events and upcoming social events to meet your fellow members and get to know us. Sign up for our newsletter below and find up what we’re up to every week.
Join us on Slack! Slack is a group messaging app which helps keep us connected between meetings. Forward us a copy of your membership confirmation email from DSA National to sanantoniodsa@gmail.com and we will send you an invite link.
Are you an existing member looking for resources?
Check out our FAQ for answers to frequently asked questions.
If you’re a member looking to launch a campaign with the intent to build a mass movement and win material demands for working people by hosting an event or sending an events for the chapter to promote, use our Chapter Tools Ticket Request Form to submit your request. You can check out the resources available to you in our Chapter Tools Overview.
Looking for some sick merch?
Check out our store! All of our items are union printed and all of the profits go back to the chapter to pay for internal costs like maintaining our website and technologies we use to keep in contact with membership, regular chapter activities, and new projects and initiatives proposed and adopted by the general membership.
What do you know about Y’allidarity?
Being a socialist in Texas can be hard y’all, but we’re working hard to turn this state the right shade of red. Check out the other Texas chapters organizing in solidarity with us in the fight for a better world. There are chapters in many of the major cities in Texas including Austin, Corpus Christi, Fort Worth, Houston, Lubbock, North Texas (Dallas), Rio Grande Valley, and San Antonio. Come organize with us and your Texas comrades!